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Don’t be afraid to jump, because if you don’t jump you will always wonder what would have/could have happened!

Live life with NO REGRETS. Live life with no WHAT IFS.

At the end of 2016 when I was at home in Tasmania on the farm visiting my family an overwhelming feeling to do my Yoga Teachers course (random as fk because I hardly ever practised Yoga as it was), to do my NLP practitioners course and move to Bali for 3 months for my 30th Birthday came over me. So three days later on Boxing Day I booked my fights to Bali, booked my Yoga Teachers Course and NLP course. Done.. locked in Larry!

When I think of an idea, when it just comes to me and flows, with no resistance, I don’t analyse pro’s and con’s I just take the leap and make it happen. I put full trust in my intuition!

So in May 2017 off I went to Bali. I didn’t have much savings and wasn’t working over there but I trusted the Universe and knew deep down in my heart that it was meant to be and that it would all work out, and you know what it did!!

Some how just enough money kept coming to me, somehow everything flowed......it was no coincidence, it was all meant to be. I truely believe this was a MASSIVE part of my journey to coming home. A catalyst to accelerating my transformation and raising my vibrations. 

Bali I believe is one of my spirit homes (as well as NZ). A place where I feel like I have “come home” and can be 100% me. I feel light, I feel balanced, I feel free and I feel so at home with who I am. The land is magical, such a spiritual land where the locals practise many rituals and blessings. You can feel the magic in the air, the magic in the earth and the magic in the ocean. 

This trip to Bali turned out to be the BEST thing that I have done in my whole life so far (along with recently moving to NZ)!!! What a massive transformation I experienced over the 3 months. Not only did I up-skill and learn more ways that I can facilitate others growth and transformation but I went through a massive transformation myself.

I spent  the first 3 weeks in Bali by myself, spending the first bit of time my entire life on my own and not ONCE did I feel lonely. This was so amazing and a massive change for me. Finally at the age of 29 (3 weeks off 30) I had learnt to feel whole and happy on my own. 

You're entire life you have no one but yourself to always rely on, to always know is there, to always love you unconditionally, to always trust, to always have and to hold. When you finally become your own best friend it feels soooooo damn amazing. No words can describe it really! 

During this time I spent a week in Ubud, where no joke I did start to “find myself”, I started to reconnect to my spiritual pathway and back to my higher self. No distractions from the outside world of work, friends, family etc were there to cloud my thoughts, to keep me too ‘busy’ to connect to myself. For the first time in most likely since I was a baby I could really truely listen to what my mind, body and soul was saying to me and begging me to do.

I meditated, I journaled, I practised yoga, I ate vegetarian (something I had wanted to do for ages but never could, and all of a sudden it happened with ease and without trying), I went to sound healing, I did breathe work therapy and overall just did me!!! I dug deep into my soul. I was ready for the next stage of my journey home, I was ready to really truely rise up!!!

Next up was my 30th Birthday, some family and friends came over to be with me during this special time and for  that I am truely grateful for. Not only were they helping me celebrate my 30th Birthday but also my spiritual growth! 

Off to my NLP Course I went (Neuro- Linguistic Programming). Where I spent a whole week 8am-6pm not only learning how to help others overcome limiting beliefs and thought patterns from their past but I also spent a whole week removing these for myself!!!! 

I can safely say MANY layers of my onion were removed that week. Many thoughts and feelings, beliefs and habits that I had held onto that were no longer serving me were gone!!!! Now this experience was liberating as FK also and I cannot thank Paul Eliseo enough for providing us with this course, facilitating our growth and supporting us to help others grow and shine their true authentic light also. 

From one course to the next, (literally the night one course ended the next day I was starting my Yoga Teachers Training course). This was a perfect transition to continue my learning and accelerated growth. Going into this course feeling a lot lighter, a lot clearer and a lot more ME. 

I spent a whole month doing at least 2 hours of yoga practise daily, practising at least 30minutes of meditation daily, eating vegetarian, participating in a large variety and number of yogic practises each week, constantly connecting to my higher self, releasing, experiencing, growing, finding and connecting to the love and light within myself.

I truely started to remember and connect to my true self, who I always have been but had just forgotten over my life. I felt like I had finally come home. Come back to my self. As I write this I can physically feel the love and that light in my heart right now. The love I feel is so so overwhelming. A love I had always been seeking outside of myself, from others, I now know that it is right within me, it always has been and it always will be. 

What we need to realise is that all that we are ever seeking is already within us right now!!

So as it turns out this scary and uncertain LEAP OF FAITH that I took turned out to be the BEST THING that I have ever done in my life. It has brought me to where I am today, and brought me back to finding my true authentic self, well and truely on my to coming home. 

Recently (post writing this Blog) I took another MASSIVE leap of faith, followed my heart and soul callings and packed up my life in Perth, Aus and moved to Christchurch, NZ. This big leap of faith was scary as fk, don't get me wrong, but I trusted and knew that this is where I am meant to be... and like last time you know what? It is all working out just beautifully. 

When I landed I felt like I was getting a huge cosmic hug from the universe. I felt "home" and everything is flowing, all my dreams are becoming a reality... I can honestly say I feel the happiest and most content I have my entire life right now.... all from TAKING THE LEAP!!

I encourage you to follow  your heart, to follow your intuition and if you really want to do something, just DO IT. No assessing the pros and cons, no overthinking, just take the leap and JUMP. Trust fully that the Universe will have your back, it will guide you and provide for you, it will help you move onto your right path in life. TRUST, LET GO & GROW!!!


**What is something that you really want to do in life but you are resisting?

What have you always wanted to do but never have as you are scared of the potential outcome?

What are you scared of?

What is the "worst case scenario" of taking the leap? Often the worst case is not bad at all!!

What is the BEST case scenario of taking the leap?


I hope this blog helps you find the courage and faith to follow your heart and live the life you truely deserve!

With love & light,

Mandy xxx


Kat Joyce